While speaking in China for a photographic convention, I took some free time to photograph the Great Wall. To avoid tourists and people in the images, I took a long ride to a more distant side of the wall, but still found that there were sometimes quite a few people walking in my shots.
In trying to hide people, I looked out one of the slots in the wall, and saw the Great Wall meander off into the distance over the various mountain peaks. In this view, there were no people. So I created this photograph by climbing up onto the wall. At this higher angle, I was able to use the top of the wall in the foreground to hide people, and then frame this long panorama, getting everything in focus.
This scenic photograph looks stunning, large and up close where you are able to trace the wall all along the distant mountain sides. You’ll notice that it starts up close in the bottom left, and then weaves through the mountains all the way to top top right corner.